
Software Engineer & Aspiring Security Analyst

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Software Engineer & Aspiring Security Analyst

Technical Skills: Python, Java, C++, C, SQL, VBA, Git


B.S., Computer Science | The University of Wisconsin Madison (May 2023)

Elective Coursework


LOCKDOWN: A Security Analysis of the 4th-Generation August WiFi Smart Lock

We explored various security components of the 4th generation August smart lock. Notably, we identified that Augustโ€™s choice to integrate with services like Airbnb made viable a less-studied threat model โ€“ the Airbnb attacker โ€“ under which new classes of attacks were possible. Under this threat model, we identified two types of attacks that give an attacker persistent control of the lock: one that prevents the lock owner from deprovisioning the attackerโ€™s guest access, and another that leverages several lock hardware vulnerabilities.


Web Indexing | FamilySearch (Nov 2024โ€” )

Proofreader | Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders (Dec 2024โ€” )

Animal Foster Humane Society of Southern Wisconsin (Jul 2020โ€” Jul 2021)